Hi, I’m Jamie. Thanks for stopping by A Scriptured Life. I’m a writer, poet, and photographer helping others become more mindful of gratitude and encouraged in the Christian faith.
You can visit “About this Blog” to read more about why I write. I hope you will take a long look around, ponder things, and enjoy your time spent here.

Read the Latest Posts:
- Jesus, Light of the World: an Advent Poem to Pray
- 25 Verses from Psalms to Praise God and Encourage You
- Praise God Through Every Season of Life
- When you don’t feel like God’s masterpiece, remember this…
- Sharing Kindness–a story and a poem
- 30 Inspiring Bible Verses about Being Kind
Pick a Popular Post:
- 25 Bible Verses about Giving God Glory
- Teach us to Number our Days (Psalm 90:12)
- The Sunflower Prayer
- 10 Ways to Give God Glory in your Life
- Even Now, God is Faithful–a poem
- The Potter’s Hands: a poem about Isaiah 64:8
- Loving God with All your Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength
- Bible Verses to Calm Worry and Anxiety
- Embracing God’s Plan
- Encourage and Build Each Other Up
- Praise God: never forget the good things he does
- Don’t Worry About Anything: keeping problems in perspective (Philippians 4:6-7)
- Be Still and Know that I am God
- Lord, Come Find Me: a prayer to meet with God
- Walk Steadfast in God’s Perfect Peace: Isaiah 26:3

Enjoy an Easter or Spring Post:
- He is Risen: A Poem about the Resurrection
- Jesus is the Way, the Truth, the Life–a poem
- Why Easter is such a big deal: learning from Matthew’s Gospel
- Imagine Joy in Tulip Colors–a poem
- I Will Come Forth As Gold (Job 23:10)
- Unburdened: a moment of peace and rest
- Considering Joy in the Setbacks
- Three Ways Play Helps us Pray
- Walking at a Dog-determined Pace
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