Turning Christmas Upside Down

Our Thanksgiving leftovers were still warm when my husband and I started pulling out the Christmas decorations last weekend. With only a few short weeks between holidays, I am sure you can relate to our excitement to get a jump-start on the to-do list. After an initial whirlwind of decorating the tree, setting up the manger, and hanging the stockings, I took a break and went for a walk.

There is a certain loop I follow on most of my walks. It winds through the woods, past a pond, into a neighborhood, and back again. Because I am a creature of habit, I usually walk the same direction on this route each time. On this particular day, however, I decided to travel the opposite way.

Have you noticed how doing things backwards or turning things upside down often brings a different perspective and teaches you something new? This walk was no exception. I came back with a fresh outlook about my walking route and about preparing for Christmas. I was ready to turn Christmas upside down.

What does turning Christmas upside down mean?

For many people, the month of December is a busy time of decorating, shopping, baking, wrapping, entertaining, and mailing holiday greetings. When Christmas Eve arrives, Jesus is traditionally celebrated by going to church for an hour or so, and perhaps reading the Bible story about his birth.

In comparison to everything else done this month, it seems there is often very little time dedicated to learning about Jesus until Christmas actually arrives.

Turning Christmas upside down means intentionally celebrating and learning about Jesus throughout the month, not just on Christmas.  

What are the benefits of turning Christmas upside down?

  • We learn new things about Jesus.

Traveling the opposite way on my walk brought a changed perspective on my surroundings. For example, from a different vantage point I realized the huge, beautiful weeping willow tree I pass almost every day was no longer there – only a stump remained. I wondered if it had been gone a long time and how I missed noticing the emptiness.

In a similar way, turning Christmas upside down helps us see things about Jesus we did not notice before. For example:

–Reading Bible passages about his birth throughout the month brings ideas to mind that we are unable to take in all at once on Christmas Eve.

–Enjoying a new book about the meaning of Christmas or participating in a Bible study can provide learning and a much needed break from holiday activity.

–Working on a Christmas service project can help us love others the way Jesus did.

–Even simply carving out some quiet time for prayer brings us closer to knowing Jesus.

Trying some new worship activities throughout the month will enlighten us more than the customary route to Christmas does.

Taking time to learn about Jesus throughout the month delivers knowledge we did not even know we were missing.

  •  We become more aware of Jesus in everyday life.

I’ll fess up. Coming at the scenery of my walk in a different direction made me feel a little out of my element. Because the walk was not done in my normal pattern, I worried that I might miss the normal turns in the neighborhood. As a result, my brain jerked to attention and I became more aware of my surroundings.

Turning Christmas upside down can also make us feel uneasy. The holiday already comes with a million things to do. We want to hurry and finish up all our preparations. But, if we look at our route each day and purposefully include Jesus in it, we become more aware of the miracle he is.

When we seek him daily, his love becomes more apparent to us within our current circumstances. Our attitudes improve and our anxiety decreases as we focus more on his offering of peace. Amidst all the hustle and bustle, our attention becomes more centered on giving and receiving God’s love.

Heightening our awareness of Jesus naturally makes us more alert to his goodness in everything we see and do. 

  • We slow down and enjoy our holiday time.

Learning new things and becoming more aware on my walk caused me to slow down and enjoy myself more. While walking in the opposite direction, I was not lost in thought or exercising on autopilot. My environment captured my attention, and I found myself feeling grateful for that.

If the same logic applies, then learning new things about Jesus and becoming more aware of him in our preparations will also help us slow down and fully enjoy our holiday time.

Taking time to learn and look for Jesus as we move with awareness towards Christmas brings us more gratitude and peace.

See the Joy this Christmas Season…

So, I am almost finished with my decorating. Yesterday, I placed a snow globe on the table in the entry way. I love snow globes and the miniature lands inside them. Everything appears so pristine, still, and orderly while they are sitting upright.

Looking at mine like this, I think it’s pretty, but… also kind of boring. The captivating stuff happens when I turn it upside down and shake things around a bit. There…that makes it more beautiful, more interesting.

I watch the snow swirl and I smile. A lot of things in life look better after you turn them upside down. See the joy in this Christmas season. Turn it upside down. Press on in faith, my friends! ~Jamie


A Prayer for December:

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:2 NLT

Dear God,

Blessed be your name above all the other things competing for our attention this Christmas season. Thank you for the precious gift of your Son, Jesus, who offers us eternal life with you.

This Christmas season may we walk in a different direction than is customary in this world and be transformed by what we learn. Bring us new opportunities to deepen our faith and show us how we can serve others. Open our eyes to find joy in all the preparations we undertake.

May we linger in our walk with you this month and be filled with the peace and gratitude that comes from spending time in your presence.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Resources to Help Turn your Christmas Upside Down

Scripture readings about Jesus’ birth

Because of Bethlehem by Max Lucado on Amazon.com

The Purpose of Christmas by Rick Warren on Amazon.com

Other Christmas Posts:

The Gift of Christmas

Living in God’s Light

Christmas Countdown Challenge Week 1 -Worry

Christmas Countdown Challenge Week 2 -Expectations

Christmas Countdown Challenge Week 3 -Peace

Christmas Countdown Challenge Week 4 -Celebration

Note: The photo of the black lantern used in this post is a free online image.

11 thoughts on “Turning Christmas Upside Down”

  1. Pingback: Jesus, Light of the World: an Advent Poem to Pray - A Scriptured Life

  2. Pingback: Gifts for Jesus-a Christmas poem - A Scriptured Life

  3. Pingback: 25 Christmas Bible Verses to Usher in Peace and Joy - A Scriptured Life

  4. This story is so inspiring that I ended up showing to my family and friends in college. They all loved it. You’re a gift to this world. Keep motivating us. Good wishes for holiday season and a Merry Christmas!

    1. Sajid, you are so kind. Thank you for such thoughtful words. They truly mean the world to me. I am very blessed to have you as a friend. Happy Holidays to you, your family and your friends!

  5. Jamie, Once again you tell a wise story! You are masterful at capturing the things people miss. Thank you again for this. I’m going to try it❤️

  6. What a great set of messages – looking at things differently and focusing on the important things that we often leave little time for

    I just finished putting the lights on our tree. Taking a rest and reading this week’s update – good things to reflect on and “order” the rest of my holiday season

    Thanks J!

  7. I love how you weave the different elements of your story line together so that they reinforce each other in a positive way. I hope that you will continue to keep going on your writing journey!

    1. Thanks so much for always supporting me Joe! Your kind words do inspire me to keep going. Glad you enjoy the blog!

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