The first devotional writing I read was on a popular Christian website for women. I can’t remember how I found the website, who wrote the devotion, or even what it was about, but I do remember the website planted a seed of faith that changed my life. The author of the devotion shared Bible verses that watered hope in my lacking heart.
As I continued reading devotionals, I started writing down the Bible verses mentioned and referred back to them during my days. Then, because I was both curious and longing for more, I went searching for my Bible…started learning, applying, and eventually sharing it with others.
I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow. It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seed grow. 1 Cor 3:6-7 NLT
Planting and Watering
The devotions I’ve read, online and in books, since my faith journey began are helpful tools; they plant and water the seeds of faith God continues to grow in my life. I used to be intimidated and overwhelmed by the Bible; I never knew where to start or how to make sense of it. But, devotions gave me a taste of what God could teach me and increased my appetite, so to speak.
As supplements in teaching, devotions are no substitute for the Bible, but they do provide benefits when they handle God’s Word with care.
Traditionally, devotionals are formatted with daily or weekly passages which connect Bible verses to explanations, reflections, and applications. Many will also point the reader to additional Scripture for further study. Some of my favorite devotionals also offer unique prayers, photography, interesting facts, true stories, or artwork.
In combination with other methods of Bible study, devotional books can guide you into a deeper, more personal relationship with God. And, they also make wonderful gifts to encourage others.
3 Devotional Books Helping My Faith Grow in 3 Ways:

Earth Psalms: reflections on how God speaks through nature by Francine Rivers
How I describe this devotional:
Weekly readings unite Scripture with nature to help readers reflect on God’s messages of love in our world.
Why it encourages my faith:
Remarkable photographs of our natural world, intriguing facts, Christian quotes, and hymn lyrics all contribute to the uniqueness of this wonderful book. Fifty-two devotions bring these elements together with a Bible verse, story, reflection questions, applications, and prayer. The author’s observations about God’s wisdom found in nature encourages me to stay mindful and curious about seeking him in the world around me.
My faith grows as I praise God for creation and for the ways it draws me closer to him.
More information:
Available on Amazon–Earth Psalms: reflections on how God speaks through nature

New Morning Mercies: A Daily Gospel Devotional by Paul David Tripp
How I describe this devotional:
Daily readings motivate readers to learn from the Bible and to become alert to its wisdom at work in their lives.
Why it encourages my faith:
I just started reading this devotional last month. I wish I had discovered it sooner. The readings both enlighten and challenge me in my understanding of the Bible. The author explains Scripture in ways that make sense. His insights and additional verse references offer guidance for exciting and deeper faith discoveries. I feel the Holy Spirit working inside me teaching me in profound ways as I reach for my Bible, turn pages, take notes, and seek to apply what I learn.
My faith grows as I praise God for the knowledge and wisdom he shares with me.
More information:
Available on Amazon–New Morning Mercies: A Daily Gospel Devotional

Beholding and Becoming: The Art of Everyday Worship by Ruth Chou Simons
How I describe this devotional:
Detailed artistry and contemplative words encourage readers to slow down, observe God in their daily life, and fully embrace the process of becoming who he intends them to be. This sixteen chapter book is as pleasing to the eyes as it is to the heart.
Why it encourages my faith:
A treasure trove of gorgeous, original artwork joined with thoughtful reflections about God’s Word make this devotional a lovely keepsake. My daughter gave me this book for Mother’s Day last year and I lingered over every page. I have long admired the paintings of Ruth Chou Simons, and this devotional is a wonderful way to enjoy their beauty. With a focus on God as the Master Artist, the writings help me consider how he is changing and crafting me, day by day, to become more like Christ.
My faith grows as I praise God for his blessings and for the good plans he has for me.
More information:
Available on Amazon–Beholding and Becoming: The Art of Everyday Worship

Just wondering…
Do you use devotional books to help you study the Bible? If you do, what books have you found helpful? Let me know in the comments below or on social media @ascripturedlife.
Press on in faith my friends! ~Jamie
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