Jesus, the Haven with Heavenly Names–an Isaiah 9:6 poem

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6 ESV

As one of the most well-known Bible verses shared at Christmas, Isaiah’s verse of descriptive names gives me a lot to think about. In his message to the people of Israel, Isaiah prophesied the birth of a child who would fulfill the promises made to their ancestors. This predicted Messiah would reign with titles and qualities attributed to God. With the help of the Holy Spirit, Isaiah encouraged a struggling nation with words of hope.

Using four carefully chosen and special names, Isaiah tells what type of king is promised by God. Each name expresses special attributes of the King we now know as Jesus. This poem is a collection of my reflections on these names. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, friends! Press on in faith! ~Jamie

Jesus, the Haven with Heavenly Names–an Isaiah 9:6 poem

miracle in a manger,
tiny fingers, precious toes–
You are my God delivered,
the promised hope
I have come to know.

Jesus, Wonderful Counselor,
constant companion,
knowledge beyond compare–
You are my wisest confidant,
the trusted guide through life
and its moments of despair.

Jesus, Mighty God,
awesome in power,
author of every life story–
You are my passionate creator,
the purpose and grace giver
so worthy of worship and glory.

Jesus, Everlasting Father,
timeless protector,
provider forever–
You are my welcoming family,
the permanent refuge where
I am strengthened and treasured.

Jesus, Prince of Peace,
abiding calm,
mediator above–
You are my unity with God,
the final sacrifice for sins,
his beacon of love.

Wonderful Counselor,
Mighty God,
Everlasting Father,
Prince of Peace–
You are my Savior,
the haven with heavenly names.
“Glory to God!” the angels rejoice.
Hallelujah! Yes!
Let there be praise!

~Jamie Trunnel ©2021,

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3 thoughts on “Jesus, the Haven with Heavenly Names–an Isaiah 9:6 poem”

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