Kindness matters. We can all remember a time when someone’s kindness improved our day. And, we hope our own efforts at sharing kindness have helped others too. Kindness makes the hard realities of life here on earth more bearable for everyone.
In the Bible, kindness is a fruit of the Holy Spirit, and its definition stretches far beyond being thoughtful, polite, or nice. Biblical kindness is a deeper commitment from the heart to follow God’s loving, compassionate, and merciful example in our own lives. Lately, as I’ve researched what Scripture says about kindness, I’ve been on the lookout for meaningful examples. One such example occurred on New Year’s Eve…
A Story of Kindness
At first it was a quiet question, then a louder, more insistent plea, “Hey?….Hey, can you help me?!”
The words spilled out into the darkness of an empty neighborhood street where my son and his wife were walking on New Year’s Eve. Pausing mid-conversation, they asked each other, “Did you hear that?”
Turning around, they searched for the source of the voice. There, on the steps of a nearby apartment, a woman stood waving them closer.
She said, “I take care of a lady here and she fell. I can’t lift her back into her wheelchair by myself. I’ve tried to call her daughter, but she’s at a party, so I can’t reach her. Would you please help me?”
They were a little unsure of the situation, what they might find, and what they would need to do, but they followed her inside. Indeed, there was an elderly woman lying on the floor. The caretaker quickly instructed my son how to help pick the woman up. Then, as my daughter-in-law held the wheelchair steady, they lifted and safely placed her down in the seat.
After a big thank you from the caretaker, they continued on their way, asking each other, “Did that really just happen?”
Upon entering our house, they exclaimed, “Happy New Year! We have quite a story to tell you…”
Kindness Matters to God because People Matter to God
In Mark 12:28-31, Jesus is asked which of God’s laws is the most important, and he responds by summarizing the intent of all them with two basic principles: love God and love people. The Holy Spirit helps us love people, and one way he does this is by producing the fruit of kindness in our lives (Gal 5:22-23).
Kindness can be as simple as smiling and saying hello, picking up something dropped, or returning something lost. It might be a visit with family and friends, staying in touch, sharing a meal, or taking care of those around us. It could include spiritual offerings like prayer, mercy, and forgiveness. The interesting thing about kindness is that it always looks a little bit different–the situations we are in, as well as our personalities, gifts, and talents demonstrate kindness in one-of-a-kind ways.
Opportunities to share kindness can be easy to avoid, ignore, or postpone in this world. Sometimes we feel overwhelmed in our own life, scared to get involved, or uncertain about how to help. But, even small sparks of kindness can travel a long way.
Our kindness matters to God because people matter to God. Be on the lookout for opportunities to share kindness today!
Opportunities for Sharing Kindness–a poem
Opportunities for sharing kindness—
God offers them anew each day;
they’re openings for us to grow in Christ’s likeness,
to spill some light into dark doorways.
We notice them in
a passing glance,
a humble plea,
an uncertain task,
stress-laden shouts,
uncomfortable silences,
hard questions asked…
“Could you help?”
“Why is this happening?”
“How can no one see me?”
The world keeps pushing us to
overlook and avoid,
make excuses,
stay busy,
follow distractions,
handle problems quickly!
Ah, but thankfully, the Holy Spirit nudges us with
God-given pauses,
gut feelings,
and inklings.
He encourages us to
turn around,
practice mercy,
be compassionate,
lend a hand,
do what needs to be done.
You see, God doesn’t need our help to accomplish his plans,
but still, he shares the work,
letting us contribute good where we can.
Out of love, he wants us to grow,
so he offers experiences
not for his benefit, but our own.
Let’s remember to pray:
Dear God,
Teach us to be bold and brave,
ready our hearts in your sight.
Today, help us seize your opportunities
for sharing the kindness of Christ.
~by Jamie Trunnel ©2024,
The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
Matthew 25:40 NIV
Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.
Colossians 3:12 NLT
Press on in faith my friends! ~Jamie
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