For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10
Me and you…we are God’s masterpiece. God’s. The ultimate artist of the universe. I don’t always feel like a masterpiece, do you? Honestly, many days I feel more like a MESS-terpiece than a masterpiece!
Deep down, most of us know we are flawed, often selfish, and damaging to ourselves and others–we sin. Although it is not a topic of everyday conversation, sin is part of our world, and it is part of us too (Romans 3:23). Wrestling with our sinful nature will continue here, and we will never be perfectly sinless until we get to heaven (Romans 7:14-24). Frankly, it’s no wonder we often feel like a mess!
So, as imperfect beings, why are we God’s masterpiece? And, when it is hard to picture ourselves (or someone else) as a masterpiece, how do we change that mindset?
Recently, I learned a few things which encouraged me to explore these questions further. During some time in Florida, I met Amanda Bolduc, an Army veteran and sand sculpture artist. She was working on a sculpting project for a coastal community called Pelican Bay which would feature some common shorebirds.
As Amanda worked, I photographed her process and asked questions. Thankfully, she is very welcoming to both spectators and questions. Here are five points her artistry inspired me to remember about being God’s masterpiece:
When you don’t feel like God’s masterpiece, remember this…
1) Masterpieces are created with planning and purpose

Like sand sculptors and other artists, God plans his work with purpose. Genesis, the first book of the Bible, teaches us about God’s timeline for creating the world and how human beings are created differently than everything else.
Light, land, sea, sky, plants, and animals…they were all spoken into existence by God (Genesis 1). But, mankind was breathed into existence. God created Adam, the first man, “from the dust of the ground” and breathed “the breath of life” into him, and he became a “living person” (Genesis 2:7).
By putting his own life into his work, God filled human beings with a spirit quite unlike the rest of creation. And, God continued his special connection with people, creating them in his own image, giving them character attributes that mirror his own (Genesis 1:27, Psalm 139:13-16).
Each person is created by God on purpose for a purpose
God created people out of love for the purpose of sharing love with him and others (Matthew 22:36-40). When sin entered the world through Adam and Eve’s disobedience (Genesis 3:11 Romans 5:12), the ties of fellowship with God were broken. But, God knew this would happen, and he already had a plan for restoring his relationship with us.
Long before people existed, he made a way to redeem them of sin and save them from death through Jesus Christ’s sacrificial work on the cross (2 Cor 5:21, Ephesians 1:4). When we heed God’s call and place our trust in Jesus, God presents us with his gracious gift of eternal life (Romans 6:23, John 3:16).
Masterpieces are created with planning and purpose: From the very beginning, God planned not only our unique physical creation, but also our invitation for spiritual re-creation. Accepting Jesus as your personal Savior restores the loving relationship God intended to share with you (Romans 10:9-10).
2) Masterpieces take time, effort, and care

Building sand sculptures takes a lot of time. This sculpture took Amanda fifteen and a half hours, over the course of two days, to complete. Depending on its size and complexity, the time to complete a project varies. Sculptures could take a day or weeks to finish. And, it is hard work. Shoveling and packing down sand, hour after hour, often under the hot sun, is physically demanding on the body.
Sand sculptors carefully select the best tools for each project. Some tools help form the basic structure and others carve out finer details. Each one assists the artist in completing the work the way it was envisioned. No doubt about it, crafting these masterpieces requires devotion.
God is a devoted artist
If earthly artists like Amanda put so much time, effort, and care into their work, just imagine the enormity of God’s devotion to his handiwork in you! The moment we put our faith in Jesus, our sins are forgiven, the slate is wiped clean, and we are created anew. God has good works planned for us to pursue, so he begins spiritually reshaping us for those purposes (Eph 2:8-10, Phil 2:13).
Like a sculptor, God selects the best tools for his design–experiences, resources, trials, talents, spiritual gifts, other people, whatever it takes. He is patient, dedicated, and persistent in his artistry. And, he promises to finish his work–the transformation of us into the likeness of Jesus, the only perfectly sinless person (Phil 1:6, 2 Cor 3:18).
Masterpieces take time, effort, and care: God’s art is crafted with time, effort, and care. We are a masterpiece, not because of anything we’ve done, but because of what God has done and continues to do in our lives. We may be a masterpiece under construction, but we are still his masterpiece.
3) Masterpieces are unique

Seeing the bird on the back side of the sand sculpture surprised me! In my previous visits, I had only seen Amanda working on the front. It never occurred to me to check out the other side. After it was finished, I approached it from a different direction and noticed the beautiful heron on the back.
Each person is fully known by God
The surprise of discovering the bird on the back of the sculpture reminded me there are sides to my story and personality that others don’t know or understand. There are details not visible or clear to them. They haven’t lived my life. They can’t possibly know all my history, quirks, beliefs, hopes, and dreams, nor I theirs. But, God sees all of me. He sees all of you. He always has, and he always will.
Masterpieces are unique: Just as each sand sculpture is unique to its artist, each person is unique to God. He is the only one who truly knows and understands every side of us (Psalm 139:1-17).
4) Masterpieces are precious

In one of the visits I had with Amanda, I asked her about the other sand sculptures she has made. She pulled out her phone and began scrolling through a photo gallery of her creations. There were sculptures for wedding proposals, corporate logos, team building events, and family reunions. Some sculptures were from classes she teaches. And, others were entries in sand (or snow) sculpting contests. As Amanda described the designs, I felt her contagious excitement and joy over the details of each one.
Each person is fully loved by God
As our artist, God forges a distinctive, special bond with each one of us. Throughout life, he provides experiences and wisdom to bring us closer to him and to strengthen the relationship we have with him. We also receive and develop spiritual gifts from the Holy Spirit which equip and inspire us to spread the gospel and bring glory to God.
As with any masterpiece, God’s work in us heightens the curiosity of others. When people witness the joy we experience through God, they are encouraged to learn more and seek him too. By openly letting his goodness and light shine through us, we point others to him (Matt 5:14-16, Acts 13:47). The acts of service we are stirred to do are part of the “good things he planned for us long ago” (Eph 2:10).
Masterpieces are precious: Art is precious to the artist, and people are precious to God. Our minds, bodies, souls…every detail is loved by him because we are his design. As God’s masterpieces, we are walking displays of his artistry to others; we exist to bring him glory.
5) Masterpieces are protected

A powerful storm rolled in the day after Amanda finished working. Strong winds and torrential rain pounded the beach. Even with her preservative measures, I thought her creation had surely been washed away.
The day after the storm, I walked to the beach and discovered the sculpture still looked amazing! A beach worker nearby was setting up chairs, so I called out, “After yesterday’s weather, how can this still be standing?” He said, “I wanted to make it last, so I found a tarp and covered it up. I’m actually surprised it held up so well!”
God will never abandon us in life’s storms
God promises to protect us through life. But, wood glue and a tarp will not suffice, right?! Whatever we face, God knew it was coming. He is in control of it, and he has prepared for it in ways we cannot even imagine. God’s care may come in the way of helpers, prayer partners, events, conditions, even angels. It might arrive as encouragement through a Bible verse, quiet time with God, a friend, a doctor, a minister, or nature.
God’s care offers protection in so many ways, but that doesn’t mean we won’t ever suffer pain or loss. What we learn from Job’s hardships makes that clear, as do Jesus’ words when he tells us to expect trouble in our world (John 16:33).
At times, God’s will is not to keep us from suffering or trouble, but rather to walk us through it. By allowing storms to enter our lives, God teaches us things like perseverance, and he helps us mature into a deeper faith (James 1:3-4).
Masterpieces are protected: God tells us not to be afraid or discouraged because he is with us (Isaiah 41:10, Deut 31:6, Rom 8:31-39). As believers in Christ, we know whatever happens here we can trust God’s protection to keep us spiritually safe and ultimately bring us home to heaven.

We are God’s masterpiece! Press on in faith my friends! ~Jamie
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Inspiring Resources
–Amanda Bolduc and her business at Seaside Sand Sculptures. Thankful for her welcoming demeanor, passion for her craft, and willingness to answer questions from onlookers of all ages. Amanda will be competing in the fourth season of Race Against the Tide, which features 10 elite sand sculpting teams from Canada and the world on CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)–premiering Sunday, April 28,2024!
—“You’re a What? Sand Sculptor”–Bureau of Labor Statistics,
—“A Marvelous Display” by Charles F. Stanley at
—“What does it mean that we are God’s workmanship in Ephesians 2:10?” at
—“What is God’s plan for my life? at got
—“Who does God say I am?” at got
–-“Book of Ephesians Summary: A Complete Animated Overview”–at
—“What does it mean to accept Jesus as your personal Savior?”–at
Jamie this has to be one of your best yet. So much wisdom packed into this and I love the ties to the sand sculpture . I’m thinking about the many facets to each person god created , that we don’t see or understand but need to be mindful of. Also it takes God and others in our life to help us through, not always prevent, the hardest of times .
Thanks for pouring so much of your heart and time into your writing !