Hi, I’m so glad you’ve joined me! This bench is one of my favorite places to rest as I walk along the paths in my neighborhood. Many of the blog posts and poems you’ll read on this site started right here.

Why I Write About Faith
A Scriptured Life shares some of what I’ve learned from the Bible and how I apply it to life. I love to read and learn about faith. Writing is a tool that helps me process and make sense of what I learn.
I am not a Biblical scholar or an expert on living life with God. Like many of you, I am full of questions and exploring my faith. I spend a lot of time researching my topics, and often I provide some inspiring resources for you at the end of my posts. If what I write helps someone else make sense of something, or better yet, if it encourages someone to do more research on their own, well then, I think we both benefit. Ultimately, the goal of my efforts is to encourage myself and others to think more about what having faith means and what it offers us.
When My Life Changed
For most of my life I did not read the Bible. I believed in Jesus, but I did not spend much time thinking about him or his impact on my life — that changed when my daughter became mysteriously ill her first semester of college (more in Learning to Pray). After a year of many doctors and much suffering, she was finally diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. After another full year of diet and medication trials, she thankfully found some ways to manage and live with this chronic autoimmune disease.
During this difficult time for our family, when I felt at a loss for what to do next, I bought a small spiral notebook of index cards. I started reading short Christian devotional writings and recording Bible verses on the notecards. Throughout the day when I found myself worrying, I would flip through the notebook and find reassurance. Eventually, I repeated some of the verses so much that they would just pop into my head by themselves when needed.
Soon, the deeper meanings and application of Scripture began to seep into my daily life. Before I placed any emphasis on God’s Word, I hurried through my day, tried to control any problems, and felt guilty about not getting enough done. I lived a scripted life. These days, I include God and the Bible in my day. I pray. I find peace and hope using Scripture. And, I live mindfully with more gratitude. I call this new way of living A Scriptured Life.
Living A Scriptured Life
Maybe you are working on moving from a scripted life to A Scriptured Life too. Or, maybe you are just curious about Christianity. It’s all okay with me. We can learn together.
I don’t have a set writing schedule. I write when a connection strikes me and time allows, so there may be some longer breaks between posts. Sign up to receive new posts via email and follow me on social media so we can stay connected.
Press on in faith my friends! ~Jamie

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