Three crosses in light

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, the Life–a poem

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
John 14:6 NIV

The Way…

Jesus left heaven to
become the way there–
a love message
he and his Father, as one, prepared.

Born to Earth as
God in flesh,
his story delivers our
ultimate forgiveness.

Trusting him, we find
the path beyond this life.
Following is a journey
where joy and peace thrive.

Jesus knows our voices.
He remembers our names.
When we call out he will find us
because we are the reason he came.

The Truth…

Jesus illustrated
the truth with his life–
fulfilling prophecy
from birth until after he died.

He set the standard
for righteousness,
allowing us to see his power
in good and graciousness.

We can search questions
in his Word
and find true answers where
our hearts are stirred.

The Life…

Jesus died to
freely offer us eternal life–
giving himself as
a blameless sacrifice.

To the cross Roman soldiers
nailed our sin.
Jesus’ body bled so
we could begin again.

His empty tomb
conquered death,
promising believers
life goes on after breath.

The Way, the Truth, the Life…

Jesus left heaven to
become our way there.
His sacrifice ensured
eternal lives could be spared.

The life he lived
made the truth known.
Now, seated at
the right hand of God,
he prays for us to
come home as his own.

~by Jamie Trunnel ©2019,

This poem is included in my book A Soul’s Anchor, available on Amazon.

Press on in faith, my friends! ~Jamie

tulips in sunlight

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5 thoughts on “Jesus is the Way, the Truth, the Life–a poem”

  1. Pingback: Why Easter is such a big deal: learning from Matthew's Gospel - A Scriptured Life

  2. Pingback: Jesus, the Haven with Heavenly Names-an Isaiah 9:6 poem - A Scriptured Life

  3. Pingback: He is Risen: a poem about the Resurrection - A Scriptured Life

  4. Hi Jamie, thank you for such meat to feed on this Maundy Thursday. I love this line, “We can search our questions in His Word”. So thankful for His truth. Enjoy your family this weekend. In Christ, Julie

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