Is there a place outdoors where giving God praise comes easily for you?
Reiman Gardens, a stunning 17-acre outdoor oasis in central Iowa, is one such place for me. Being immersed in the many trees, plants, and blooms creatively arranged throughout the grounds empties my mind of worry and grants my spirit a joyful lift. As I slow down to admire God’s handiwork, I give him praise with my heart and with my camera.

Most of us have no trouble praising God for nature. Smelling the flowers, hearing the birds sing, tasting ripe strawberries, and feeling a cool breeze seems to heighten our sense of gratitude. As our senses soak up the experience, we feel closer to the One who created the world around us. Instinctively, we want to acknowledge and express appreciation to him.
But, how often do we think beyond the quickly identifiable blessings like nature to give God praise? Beyond the day-to-day blessings such as family, friends, food, work, shelter, health, and rest? Do we give God thanks for our spiritual blessings that are more difficult to grasp?
Do we forget some of the ways God is good?
This is the question I have been parked on lately. Especially now, in the midst of a global pandemic and other national concerns, I want to remember the many different ways God is good. Do you want to remember too?
Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things he does for me. Psalm 103:2
Reading the Book of Psalms in the Bible has helped me think more about God’s good character and ways. The Psalms provide heartfelt expressions of praise, worship, and confession to God. They are a great way to express admiration and gratitude to him. You’ll read some of their verses below. Let’s get started!
What else can we praise God for?
Praise God for who he is
God displays a seemingly infinite number of positive attributes. He is compassionate, generous, loving, just, powerful, creative, kind, gracious, and so much more. Hurts are understood by him, failings are forgiven, and struggles are comforted. He leads, protects, encourages, heals, and rescues. Every day he demonstrates his care in our lives and in the world around us. God is good.
Which of God’s characteristics are you relying on the most right now?
Praise and Pray:
Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation. Psalm 100:4-5
God, when I consider the goodness of your character I am full of praise. I love you for who you are and for the ways you love our world. Draw me closer to you as I go through the happenings of my day and open my eyes to how your love is with me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Praise God for creating you
God thinks you are one of his best ideas–imagine that! By placing his own character resemblance in you, he lovingly formed you to have a relationship with him. Becoming known and being loved by you matters to him. He crafted you with unique talents and gifts which can bring you and others closer to him. You are God’s masterpiece.
What parts of God’s character shine brightly through you? What do you love and naturally succeed at? Could your talent or gift be used to teach you more about God? How would these abilities help others get to know God better?
Praise and Pray:
You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. Psalm 139:13-14
Thank you God for making me and appreciating me exactly as I am. May I continue to seek you and show my love for you each day through my prayers, words, and actions. I’m grateful you are working in me to help me understand my gifts and the ways they can serve you. Praying my will to use what you have given me aligns with your timing and ways. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Praise God for forgiving you
God’s love for you is unchanging and unconditional. He loves you when you do things right and when you do things wrong. As human beings, we all sin and sin separates us from God. But, if we ask him for help identifying our sins, then confess and turn away from them (repent), he is quick to forgive us. Christ’s sacrifice on the cross for us ensures that we can be made right with God. Through his mercy, we are forgiven.
Have you ever asked God to point out your sins so you can ask for forgiveness? With the help of the Holy Spirit, are you turning away from the sins that trip you up?
Praise and Pray:
He does not punish us for all our sins; he does not deal harshly with us, as we deserve. For his unfailing love toward those who fear him is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth. He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west. Psalm 103:10-12
I praise you, God, for the forgiveness you lavish on me. May your Holy Spirit make my sins apparent to me so I can confess them and be made right with you. Help me let go of any destructive patterns and teach me how to model Jesus’ likeness more and more each day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Praise God for teaching you
The world around us is God’s classroom. His lessons are delivered in a variety of ways such as: studying the Bible, interactions with other people, nature, life experiences, and the time we spend in prayer. As we work at giving God more of our attention during the day, his teaching and guidance gradually becomes more clear. With love and wisdom, God helps us learn how to live a fruitful life in relationship with him.
Have you noticed God delivering his lessons in different ways to you lately? What have you been learning? How is he guiding you?
Praise and Pray:
The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.” Psalm 32:8
I am grateful, God, for all the different ways you help me learn and grow. Teach me to keep my eyes on you. May I always be on the lookout for the connections you are showing me. I pray to live my life following in the shadow of your Son’s example. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Praise God for sustaining you
Let’s face it, we are needy creatures. We can’t make it on our own. We have basic needs like food, water, shelter, and clothing. And, we have more complex needs such as love, peace, patience, and courage. People hurt and desert us. Pandemics and illnesses barge in uninvited. We get tired, lonely, stressed, and weak. But, we can trust everything uncontrollable to the One in control. God, as our provider, knows our daily needs. Whatever these needs may be, he will work for our good and help ease our burdens.
What has God provided to meet your daily needs today? How is he helping you find rest in this season of unrest?
Praise and Pray:
The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need. He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. Psalm 23:1-2
Thank you God for providing everything I need one day at a time. You make a way for me. You guide and protect me. Help me to accept my circumstances and trust you with the outcome. May I persevere through the courage and strength you provide. Knowing you always have my best interests at heart, I pray to obediently follow where you lead, move when you prompt me, and rest when you tell me to. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Praise God for saving you
God loves y-o-u. He loves us all. “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life” John 3:16.
When we believe and trust Christ is our Savior, we receive God’s free gift of everlasting life. No amount of knowledge, work, or service will earn this eternal life for us. Salvation is a gift–we receive it by God’s grace through faith.
Note: If you want to start a relationship with Christ, I recommend reading Billy Graham’s prayer to find peace with God.
Have you embraced the enormity of God’s love and what it means for you? Do you share his love with others?
Praise and Pray:
Sing to the Lord; praise his name. Each day proclaim the good news that he saves. Publish his glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things he does. Psalm 96:2-3
God, you paid such a high price to save me. Me?! You gave the life of your Son because you loved me that dearly. And, he chose to fulfill the mission–accepting punishment in my place for sin and offering me a new life, a lasting life, with you. With reverence and awe, I praise you. Guide me in the ways I can boldly step out in faith to share your love with this hurting world. In the name of Jesus, the One who knew no sin, Amen.

Keep the Faith
Some blessings stand out simply because they are in front of us on a daily basis. If we pay attention to the present moment, then we recognize the magnitude of everything we have been given. We might be grateful for time with family and friends, a good night’s sleep, a hot meal, a safe place, or a pain-free day. I don’t know what it is for you, but I know we all have something each day we can give God praise for.
If we look deeper, beyond the easily recognizable blessings of our lives, then the more magnificent ways in which God is good become apparent. We see the depth of his character and how he lovingly made us in his image. With increasing awareness, we will see the endless ways he works for our good by forgiving, teaching, sustaining, and saving us.
In a world that can be dark and difficult, may we always look for God’s blessings–the ones we easily see and the ones more difficult to perceive. May we never forget the good things he does. Praise the Lord!
Press on in faith my friends! ~ Jamie

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Psalms to Give God Praise
Psalms emphasizing praise: 8, 19, 30, 65, 84, 96, 100, 136, 145, 150
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I need it at this point in my life. I am under going many health issues. Neuropathy all over my body.Gastroparsis a slow stomach via the Vagus Nerve. Arthritis in neck, back,left knee and left ankle.. The worst, osteopenia or osteoporosis, I have lost height from 5ft 8 to 5ft 3 , a curve spine
Thank you for reading and commenting on the post, Thomas. I am sorry to be so delayed in seeing and responding to your note. I wanted to let you know I am praying for you. May God’s care, healing, and peace be with you.
I love this website, love the prompta, like a devotion. God bless you from a 21 year old student in the UK
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Pingback: 25 Bible Verses about Giving God Glory - A Scriptured Life
Thank you Jamie for the beautiful reminders of the many ways God is there for us, and the importance of and strength in recognizing this and being gratefully aware.
Your photos and writing come together magnificently!! Thank you for selflessly sharing your talents and time 😊❤️
Thank you, you always have such kind words. God did a good, good thing all those yrs ago when he made us roommates. 👭
Jamie, this was a wonderful encouragement! I loved the scriptures, photos and reminders to think more deeply of all the ways God has blessed us. He is a good, good Father!
Thanks for reading and commenting, Melissa! The combination of Psalms and nature are always an uplifting medicine for me. Amazing love, so many blessings from our good Father! I appreciate you, enjoy your weekend!