The Sunflower Prayer

Wonder, good cheer, and even a prayer can be inspired by the vibrancy of a sunflower. At the end of July, I visited a field of sunflowers in my home state of Iowa. Wow, such a beautiful sight! Giant blooming towers, some stretching above six feet, painted the land yellow as far as my eyes could see.

Fields of sunflowers always draw quite a crowd, and this one had many admirers. Couples and teenagers snapped selfies with their cameras. Professional photographers captured images of families and young children running through the rows of gold. As a symbol of loyalty, longevity, and happiness, the sunflowers even served as a celebratory backdrop for a bride and groom toasting their wedding day.

In addition to stature and beauty, sunflowers also display an interesting attraction to the sun. As young sunflowers grow, they tilt their heads throughout the day to always face the sun. This sun-tracking pattern, called heliotropism, continues until the flowers become fully mature. Once their maturity is complete, the blooms will remain in an eastward facing position. Upon harvesting, sunflowers are turned into many useful products such as edible seeds and oils, livestock feed, and natural dyes.

God enjoys encouraging us through things in his creation, and sunflowers are certainly no exception. Growing from a small seed, they show how mighty a little faith can become. Their constant pursuit of the sun is a good reminder to continually seek the Son, Jesus, during our days. And, bursting with glorious color, they implore us to share our own contributions with the world.

The wisdom God built into the life of the sunflower inspired this prayer. I hope it encourages you today.

The Sunflower Prayer

Plant me like a sunflower, Lord,
deep in the fold of your will.
Forge my faith in soil’s darkness,
sprout hope up as I wait still.

Grow me like a sunflower, Lord,
leaning close toward your light.
Extend bright rays of direction,
keep me warm in your sight.

Adorn me like a sunflower, Lord,
humbly wearing a righteous crown.
Stack petals of mercy and grace,
golden forgiveness in Christ I’ve found.

Use me like a sunflower, Lord,
to offer nourishment and cheer.
Harvest the Spirit’s fruits within me,
encourage others you are drawing near.

Surround me like a sunflower, Lord,
in a field of believers ripe with faith.
Bring us together for a troubled world,
display your love through our bouquet.

Thank you, Lord, for creating
endearing reminders of your Word.
Looking up,
away from the earth’s concerns,
my gaze meets yours,
and joy
like a mighty sunflower

~by Jamie Trunnel ©2020,

This poem is included in my book A Soul’s Anchor, available on Amazon.

Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always. Psalm 105:4

Press on in faith my friends! ~Jamie

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Inspiring Resources

The Mystery of Why Sunflowers Turn to Follow the Sun–Solved
What are Sunflowers Used For: Uses and Benefits
History and Meaning of Sunflowers
Badger Creek is Home to an Enormous and Inviting Sunflower Field in Iowa

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17 thoughts on “The Sunflower Prayer”

  1. Julie Capobianco

    Thank you for posting this. I am preparing a devotion for my women group. A copy of this poem will be a handout for them along with a silk sunflower.

  2. Thank you for this article and this prayer. It is going to be printed and placed on my wall. I have a deep love for sunflowers that I didnt not quite understand until today. The sunflowers were Gods mesage to me. I mam grateful I pray God blesses you tremendously. Continue to grow in grace beloved

  3. This is such a well written poem that captures the essence of God’s creation and intent of how he desires for us to live . By seeking his face as we grow along our journey. I will be using this poem to inspire my dancers .

    Thank you! God bless you Jamie!!

  4. Clarinda McHardy

    Thiank you so much for sharing this. We will use the poem at one of our stations in our Ladies Retreat. We will ask each lady to plant a sunflower seed. Our theme is Endurance. The little seeds have much to go through before they bloom and grow. Grateful for your inspiration.

  5. Thank you Jamie for your poem! I visit an Adult Care for Seniors every month and do Donna’s Devotions! I am using your poem this month.
    I meant to do it in September, but the Covid-19 virus struck both me and my sweet husband! We’re better now! I came across your poem by accident and decided to add it to my devotion….(maybe it wasn’t by accident) Spirit led! Again, thanks so much. I will explore your more, in the next weeks ahead!

    1. That’s wonderful, Donna! Thank you so much for sharing the poem in this way. Sunflowers are very inspiring, and I enjoyed using them as a metaphor for Christian life. You might also enjoy the poem “The Potter’s Hands”. You can find others by searching “poem” on the Home page.

      I’m also glad you’re feeling better now. God bless you and your work for his glory!

  6. Thank you for this poem. My classroom theme will be sunflower! This poem is what I have been looking for! I am praying and reading this sunflower prayers everyday before I teach!

  7. Thank you for your kind note. Comments are always welcome no matter how old the post. I’ll certainly be praying for your father, and I hope he enjoys your rendition of the poem. God bless you and your way! 🙏🏻

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