So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
1 Cor 10:31
All sunsets are a pleasure to see, but I am especially fond of the ones I can view from the beach. Watching the sun’s bright rays soften into gorgeous shades of gold, orange, and pink fills me up with joy and gratitude for the day.
On this Florida beach, sunset spectators follow a tradition. Watching the horizon with anticipation, they talk in hushed voices. The sun is going, going, going…then, at exactly the right moment, when the sun disappears from sight, a celebration erupts! People clap, cheer, raise a toast, take a photo, and pass out hugs. Onlookers who are new to this festivity smile with surprise and join in. Have a listen here:
Sunsets are awesome at proclaiming God’s glory, right?! Witnessing the beauty they display and the celebration they stir up leads me to wonder–How can I give God glory like that?

In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word kavod (or kabod) used for glory means heaviness or weight. It represents a person’s reputation, distinction, greatness, and honor. We give God glory (weight) in our lives when we honor or praise him for who he is–his attributes or character, his power, his presence and love…everything about him.
Each of us, much like the sunsets we enjoy, are designed to give God glory. Here are ten biblical ways to glorify him in your life:
10 Ways to Give God Glory in your Life
1. Love God First and Foremost
Loving God first and foremost means we rank all our earthly treasures below him. Nothing should compare to the devotion we have for him. As we grow in faith, we realize everything here is temporary, but our relationship with God is everlasting. Things like possessions, power, fortune, relationships, and health change over time and never completely fulfill us (Matt 6:20). Ending our quest for what the world prioritizes brings heaven’s treasures into sharper focus. Loving him above everything else declares his worth in our lives and glorifies him as our Creator.
2. Know God More and More
The best way to get to know God more is through Jesus. After all, Jesus is God in the flesh, and his life on earth models the way God wants us to live (John 1:14). If we study Jesus’ words and actions in the Bible routinely, then through the help of the Holy Spirit, we will receive increased understanding of God’s character and the desires he has for us. Seeking to know God better brings him glory because our actions show we value him and what he has to teach us.
3. Confess and Repent (Turn Away from Sin)
Since the days of Adam and Eve, sin has been an undeniable part of human nature. Sins can be obvious to us, or they can be less recognizable. Identifying our wrongdoing may take some humility, soul searching, Bible study, and wisdom from others. But, any sin we consequently recognize and acknowledge before God will be forgiven (1 John 1:9). Through his grace, he wipes the slate clean and frees us to pursue a stronger relationship with him. As we grow in understanding of God’s holy perfection, sins becomes more and more apparent to us. A desire forms to confess, repent, and become more like him. All of this brings him glory.
4. Forgive Others
For many of us, asking for forgiveness is easier than giving it. But, the Bible says forgive others the way God forgives you (Ephesians 4:32). We have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). With the help of the Holy Spirit, we can let go of resentment and be content in all kinds of circumstances. By not allowing the words and actions of others to control our own, we display and glorify God’s attributes of compassion and forgiveness.
5. Pray
Prayers are simply conversations we have with God. In times of prayer, we can talk to him about our fears and concerns. We can seek guidance, understanding, or help with life. We can request forgiveness and help in knowing who we need to forgive. And, we can give him praise and thanks for his goodness. As believers, we trust his ways. So, in prayers, we ask him to help according to his will and not our own (1 John 5:14). By expressing our need and gratitude for the higher power of God, our prayers give him glory.
6. Worship Actively and Sincerely
The New Living Translation Bible* defines worship as “reverent devotion and allegiance pledged to God or a god.” One worships God if they love and value him above everything else (see #1). When we love God first and foremost, then really everything about our life becomes a means of worship!
For now, let’s just consider some activities commonly thought of as worship like: attending church services, participating in Bible study groups, volunteering, using spiritual gifts, enjoying music or dancing, and other creative arts and hobbies. Actively worshiping God in these activities requires wholehearted participation, undivided attention, and humble service (Romans 12:11). Simply going through the motions of a routine like attending church or volunteering to boast about it are not true forms of worship. God receives glory when we joyfully celebrate his worth with worship that is both active and sincere.
7. Trust God
Trusting God means believing the things he has promised are true and that they are worth waiting for. Gradually, God helps our faith grow, making us more confident in his care for us. Using tools like Bible stories and verses, prayers and experiences, as well as encouragement from other believers, he keeps strengthening the trust we have in him. We learn to accept not having the answers or control we desire because we know he has both, and he will work all things together for our good (Romans 8:28). With God, we can journey forward, day by day, step by step, and believe everything will be alright. Trusting God brings him glory because it displays our faith in his knowledge and ways (Isaiah 55:8-9).
8. Share God with Others
Sharing God shines light on his character and encourages others to draw closer to him. We can share stories of the way he has been working in our life. Or, we can share things like Bible verses and stories, what we’ve been learning at church, and even photos of his beautiful creation. It takes courage to share how God is present in our lives, especially during difficult times, but in doing so, we might help someone else open their heart to him (Romans 1:16). Boldly sharing and spreading God’s message of love to the world gives him glory.
9. Allow Fruit from the Holy Spirit to Grow
The fruit of the Holy Spirit is: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). These are character traits of Jesus, and the Holy Spirit gradually produces these traits in us. He works at transforming our nature so it increasingly reflects Christ’s perfect nature. Of course, as fallible human beings who struggle with sin, we will never completely embody these traits on earth. But, as Christians, we should always be listening for holy guidance and making choices which open our life up to the Spirit’s power (Ephesians 5:1-2). As fruit from the Holy Spirit grows, God receives glory because he is sharing more of Christ and his message through us (John 15:8).
10. Give Thanks
Acknowledging God’s blessings and thanking him for them is the essence of biblical gratitude. Many Bible verses remind us to give thanks, but why? Because thankfulness changes our hearts for the better and presents God with the praise he is due (Psalm 51:10 Psalm 28:7). Through his grace, we have received so much–now and in the eternity we anticipate. Our thankfulness, by its very nature, brings God glory because it recognizes him as the giver of all good toward his creation.

For everything comes from him and exists by his power and is intended for his glory. All glory to him forever! Amen.
Romans 11:36
A Prayer to Give God Glory
Dear God,
Blessed be your name above all earthly treasures. Thank you for hearing our prayers. You always offer forgiveness, stand with us, and work to fulfill your purpose for us. None of us deserves such faithful goodness, but you deliver it anyway with unconditional love. You are so deserving of glory. Yet, we all fall short of delivering that glory!
In each day we are blessed with, help us find ways to honor you and to do what is best for others. Awaken our hearts and minds to the learning, experiences, and resources you have given us. Let your light shine through us. May your message of redemption, as told through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, spread far and wide in this weary world. We love you.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Glory to God! Press on in faith my friends! ~ Jamie

The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship. Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make him known. They speak without a sound or word; their voice is never heard. Yet their message has gone throughout the earth, and their words to all the world. God has made a home in the heavens for the sun.
Psalm 19:1-4 NLT
Additional Bible Verses about Giving God Glory
25 Bible Verses about Giving God Glory
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Inspiring Resources
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How to do everything to the glory of God–
God created us for his glory–
Biblical Vocabulary: God’s Honor and Glory–
What is the Glory of God and Why it Matters–Chasing Vibrance
* Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
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About the Photos
I took these photos along on the beautiful beaches of Naples, Florida.
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Thank You for writing this, I really enjoyed it and have subscribed.
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So good!! Thank you for sharing and be blessed in your walk with the Lord, Jamie. I appreciated the references you gave and the resource this post is, for ministry. ❤️
Thank you for your comments and encouragement, Amy! Much appreciated. Praying God’s blessings over you and the ways you bring him glory. 💫
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Hi Jamie! Thank you for your latest blog post – “10 Ways to Give God Glory in your Life”. Chock full of different ways to honor God. I also loved the sunset and beach photos, and being able be there in spirit with the crowd with your recording of their cheers.
This post helped reinforce the things I am already doing to give God glory, and guided me (vs feeling ashamed) toward the things I am not doing today but can start. I keep moving in the right direction, with your insightful, meaningful and practical ways to practice in faith and trust in God. You have the magic touch, or should I say God’s touch :-)!!
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